Dota Hero Pugna – The Oblivion Item Build, Guide and Strategy. Pugna is a fragile yet versatile spellcaster. Due to his massive base intelligence and high gain per level, he has plenty of mana to cast his spells as much as he wants. In addition, Nether Blast also deals damage to towers, which makes Pugna a powerful sieging hero with Nether Blast alone. Pugna’s Decrepify spell is useful in several ways. It functions as a decent movement speed slowing spell for catching fleeing enemies, and also amplifies spell damage against the target. Decrepify and Nether Blast make a powerful combination. Decrepify can also be cast on allies, and since it prevents the target from being hit by physical attacks, it gives clever Pugna players a way to deal with potentially troublesome physical attack oriented heroes by either Decrepifying the enemy hero (which prevents them from attacking), or an allied hero to prevent them from being attacked. To know more about his character, see the post below.
Pugna The Oblivion Advanced Statistics
Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.5
Damage: 45 – 53
Casting Animation: 0.2 / 0.51
Armor: 1.24
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 320
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 600
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Pugna The Oblivion Abilities Build
1. Nether Blast (Hotkey: B)
Creates a blast of exploding pulses from the Nether Plane, dealing damage to units and buildings.
Level 1 – Deals 100 Damage (40 to structures).
Level 2 – Deals 175 Damage (60 to structures).
Level 3 – Deals 250 Damage (80 to structures).
Level 4 – Deals 325 Damage (100 to structures).
- Damage type: magical
- Effect is delayed 0.5 seconds.
- Casting range: 400
- Area of Effect: 400
Mana Cost: 85/105/125/145
Cooldown: 5.5
2. Decrepify (Hotkey: C)
Pugna casts a powerful banishing magic on a unit. The unit is sent to the ethereal plane for a small period of time, reducing its movement speed by 50% and rendering it unable to attack. Units under the effect of Decrepify take 40% extra damage from Spells
Level 1 – Affected unit takes 44% extra damage from spells, lasts 2 seconds.
Level 2 – Affected unit takes 44% extra damage from spells, lasts 2.5 seconds.
Level 3 – Affected unit takes 44% extra damage from spells, lasts 3 seconds.
Level 4 – Affected unit takes 44% extra damage from spells, lasts 3.5 seconds.
- Only magical and pure damage can harm units under the effect of Decrepify.
- Scream of Pain, Echo Slam, and Heat Seeking Missile will not damage a Decrepified target, even though they deal magical damage.
- Casting range: 550
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 13/11/9/7 Seconds
3. Nether Ward (Hotkey: W)
Summons a Nether Ward that prevents enemy heroes from regenerating mana and can cast Mana Flare, which deals damage to enemy heroes as they cast spells. Lasts 25 seconds. Each level increases the area of effect of the Ward’s Mana Flare, the Mana Flare damage, the negative mana regen and the hp of the ward.
Level 1 – Ward has 75 HP, -1.5 Mana regeneration to enemies, Mana Flare deals 0.75 damage per each point of Mana.
Level 2 – Ward has 150 HP, -3.0 Mana regeneration to enemies, Mana Flare deals 1.00 damage per each point of Mana.
Level 3 – Ward has 225 HP, -4.5 Mana regeneration to enemies, Mana Flare deals 1.25 damage per each point of Mana.
Level 4 – Ward has 300 HP, -6.0 Mana regeneration to enemies, Mana Flare deals 1.50 damage per each point of Mana.
- Damage type: magical
- Mana Flare is triggered when an enemy casts a spell and the damage is based on the spell’s mana-cost.
- Mana Flare deals the damage before the actual spell is cast, so if the target dies the spell will have no effect.
- Area of Effect: 700/1000/1300/1600
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 35 seconds
4. Life Drain (Hotkey: D)
Pugna summons a very powerful draining magic that absorbs the life essence of an enemy unit. Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 1 – Drains 95 (150*) HP per second.
Level 2 – Drains 140 (200*) HP per second.
Level 3 – Drains 185 (250*) HP per second.
Mana Cost: 125/175/225
Cooldown: 22 (0*) seconds
- Damage type: magical
- Life Drain is a channeling spell.
- HP drained depends on the actual damage dealt, so Decrepify increases it and spell reduction reduces it.
- Will continue to drain as long as the target stays within 850 range from Pugna.
- If the target is an illusion it’s destroyed on the first damage tick.
- Casting range: 850
- Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter (* shows the improved values).
Pugna The Oblivion Skills Build
1. Nether Blast
2. Decrepify
3. Nether Blast
4. Decrepify
5. Nether Blast
6. Life Drain
7. Nether Blast
8. Decrepify
9. Decrepify
10. Stats
11. Life Drain
12. Nether Ward
13. Nether Ward
14. Nether Ward
15. Nether Ward
16. Life Drain
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Pugna The Oblivion Items Build
Boots of Speed (500)
55 Movement Speed
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn’t stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Flask of Sapphire Water ( )
Bracer (525)
6 Strength
3 Agility
3 Intelligence
3 Damage
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength + Circlet of Nobility + Bracer Recipe Scroll
For much needed hitpoints early on in the game.
Void Stone (875)
100% Mana Regeneration
Ring of Health (875)
5 HP Regeneration
Perseverance (1750)
10 Damage
5 HP Regeneration
125% Mana Regeneration
Note : Can be disassembled.
Ring of Health + Void Stone
Point Booster (1200)
200 HP
150 Mana
You are set for early game and you wont be first blood.
Dagon (2705)
13/15/17/19/21 Intelligence
3 All Atributes
9 Damage
Active: Energy Burst
Deals 400/500/600/700/800 damage to a target unit. 180/160/140/120/100 manacost. 40/36/32/28/24 seconds cooldown. 600/650/700/750/800 cast range.
Note: Buy recipe to upgrade (5 levels).
Null Talisman + Staff of Wizardry + Dagon Recipe Scroll
With decripify its the best final crack you can get for a fleeing enemy.
Vitality Booster (1100)
250 HP
Mystic Staff (2700)
25 Intelligence
For Pugna always get this before energy booster.
Energy Booster (1000)
250 Mana
Aghanim`s Scepter (4200)
10 All Attributes
200 HP
150 Mana
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade
Upgrades the ultimate of Earthshaker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Stone Giant, Clockwerk Goblin, Sacred Warrior, Sand King, Spiritbreaker, Axe, Doom Bringer, Lord of Avernus, Night Stalker, Butcher, Undying, Juggernaut, Moon Rider, Faceless Void, Lightning Revenant, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Netherdrake, Crystal Maiden, Enchantress, Faerie Dragon, Holy Knight, Prophet, Lord of Olympia, Slayer, Windrunner, Goblin Techies, Invoker, Shadow Priest, Shadow Shaman, Tormented Soul, Twin Head Dragon, Witch Doctor, Bane Elemental, Demon Witch, Lich, Necrolyte, Oblivion, Obsidian Destroyer, Queen of Pain, and Warlock.
Point Booster + 1 each of Ogre Axe, Blade of Alacrity and Staff of Wizardry + Aghanim’s Scepter Recipe Scroll
Boots of Travel (2500)
100 Movement Speed
Active: Teleport
- Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building
- Casting time: 3 seconds
- Manacost: 75 mana
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal
Note: Movement speed bonus does not stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, Tranquil Boots or Boots of Speed.
Double clicking teleports you to your fountain.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll
Ultimate Orb (2100)
10 All Attributes
Linken`s Sphere (5175)
10 Damge
6 HP Regeneration
150% Mana Regeneration
15 All Attributes
Passive: Spell Block
- Blocks most targeted spells once every 20 seconds
- Not triggered by Medallion of Courage of Urn of Shadows
Perseverance + Ultimate Orb + Linken`s Sphere Recipe Scroll
You’l have enough hit points after this little item and your enemies cant cancel your life drain easily.
Radiance (5150)
60 Damage
Passive: Burn Damage
Deals 40 damage per second. 650 AoE.
Note: Clicking Radiance will toggle Burn Damage on and off.
Sacred Relic + Radiance Recipe Scroll
it’s 40 area effect damage is a good combo when you are life draining and its excelent for farming along with nether blast. I also added it because I didn’t want pugna’s alarmingly high base damage to go to waste.
Aegis of the Immortal (0)
Passive: Reincarnation
Brings you to life with full health and mana 5 seconds after you die at the location where you died. Item is removed from your inventory after reincarnating you once. Item is also removed from your inventory when Roshan respawns (10 minutes after he was killed).
Note: 1 charge. + Drops from Roshan
This is needed because pugna has very low armour.
Dagon (2705)
13/15/17/19/21 Intelligence
3 All Atributes
9 Damage
Active: Energy Burst
Deals 400/500/600/700/800 damage to a target unit. 180/160/140/120/100 manacost. 40/36/32/28/24 seconds cooldown. 600/650/700/750/800 cast range.
Note: Buy recipe to upgrade (5 levels).
Null Talisman + Staff of Wizardry + Dagon Recipe Scroll
Upgrade the dagon completely if the game still continues.
Pugna The Oblivion Strategy
Early Game Laning Phase:
If you are dual-laning, you should begin to support your team before the creeps even spawn. Buy a chicken and share it immediately, or use your wards before the first creepspawn. Use them to block the enemy ‘pull spot’ and/or to protect your solo hero from ganks.
Pugna can be a strong solo or a good lane partner. Typically if you choose to dual-lane, pick a melee stunner as your lane partner – this way you can support him with your range and use his stun to hit all your blasts.
Practice the typical lane control techniques so you gain an advantage over your opponents. Also, make sure you use the ‘s’ hotkey to cancel any Nether Blasts that are off-target. Level as fast as you can and pick up your early boots and support items.
If you have your lane on lockdown, or if you have an extremely aggressive pushing lane like KotL/Pugna, try to take out the enemy’s first tower before your opponents can resist you.
Early Game Pushing Phase:
As soon as you have level 7 and boots, you have the potential to take down enemy towers quickly. Look to find weak lanes and coordinate with your teammates to take towers in quick succession.
If the other team defends, use your early game advantage to own them in team clashes. Always drop your Nether Ward in a hidden location that is close enough to deal damage. When pushing top or bottom tower, place an observer ward behind it here to gain vision of approaching heroes. Last hit the tower with Nether Blast if it’s at risk of being denied, but if possible leave the money to your carry hero. Remember, taking towers quickly provides far more money than farming creeps, and can give you the item advantage that allows you to break the enemy base.
Mid Game Ganking Phase:
During battles you should be able to feed on enemy spellcasters by zapping them with Nether Ward. It’s a win/win situation – if they use spells to fight, they die to Mana Flare. If they choose to spend time stalling until they find the ward and kill it, your team will run over the top of them with your own offensive skills.
Always look to save allied heroes with your Meka and/or Decrepify. Never ever Decrepify a hero that your team is killing with physical damage. Think quickly and choose your targets well.
Poogles is weak as hell so you’ll need your wits about you to survive battles.
Late Game:
Sure, you’ve lost a bit of power but you’ve still got some tricks up your sleeve. Screw over the enemy damage dealers with Decrepify and continue to take down towers with Nether Blast. Your ward is still a frighteningly strong spell – particularly because enemy ultimates now cost upward of 400 mana.
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