Dota Hero Lion The Demon Witch Map

Dota Hero LionThe Demon Witch Item Build, Guide and Strategy. The Demon Witch is a strong offensive spellcaster with excellent disabling capabilities. Finger of Death is an excellent finishing spell for injured enemies. Although Impale alone is a good disabling spell, the Demon Witch has a second strong disable: Voodoo. Voodoo can transform an enemy hero into a critter for a few seconds, allowing Lion and his allies time to finish them off. Lion’s spells all cost quite a bit of mana, but he can quickly regain it using Mana Drain. This spell is effective for draining an enemy hero’s mana while they are disabled or giving Lion a quick mana boost from an enemy Necromancer or Druid of the Talon creep. This hero is a good choice for newer players. To know more about his character.

Lion The Demon Witch background strategy. renegade wizard who delved deeper in studying demonic arts, this old aged archmagus was sentenced to damnation by the Dalaran council. As a last resort of escaping death, he performed a forbidden ritual and sold his soul to Archimonde’s bidding. Without trace of compassion and with a twisted mind, he seeks retribution to his comrades. He commands earth to stagger those who hinders his path with sharp spikes or siphons their will out. Never hesitating to transmogrify others to impunity nor doubtful of ripping his enemy inward out with his fatal touch, Lion like a predator loves doing it all over again.

Lion The Demon Witch Advanced Statitics

Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.43 / 0.74
Damage: 42 – 48
Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51
Armor: 1.1
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 290
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 600
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Lion The Demon Witch Abilities Build

1. Impale (Hotkey: E)

The Demon Witch releases his demonic magics into the ground in order to thrust solidified rock spikes along a straight path. This sends all his enemies into the air, only to take damage on their painful impact with the ground.
Level 1 – 60 damage, lasts 0.5 second.
Level 2 – 130 damage, lasts 1 second.
Level 3 – 200 damage, lasts 1.5 seconds.
Level 4 – 260 damage, lasts 2 seconds.
- Damage type: magical
- Hit units will fly for 0.52 seconds before the real stun is applied.
- Distance traveled is 700.
- Casting range: 500
- Area of Effect: 150
Mana Cost: 100/120/145/170
Cooldown: 12

2. Voodoo (Hotkey: D)

Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.
Level 1 – Lasts 1.25 seconds.
Level 2 – Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 – Lasts 2.75 seconds.
Level 4 – Lasts 3.5 seconds.
- If the target is an illusion, it will be instantly destroyed.
- The hexed target will have a base movespeed of 100.
- Hex disables damage block and evasion.
- Casting range: 500
Mana Cost: 110/140/170/200
Cooldown: 13

3. Mana Drain (Hotkey: R)

Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second.
Level 1 – 20 mana drained per second.
Level 2 – 40 mana drained per second.
Level 3 – 60 mana drained per second.
Level 4 – 100 mana drained per second.
- Illusions which are being Mana Drained will be destroyed after 1 second.
- Can continue to drain as long as the target is within 800 range from Lion.
- Casting range: 600/650/700/750
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 seconds

4. Finger of Death (Hotkey: F)

Instantly rips at a target, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage.
Level 1 – Deals 500 (600*) damage.
Level 2 – Deals 650 (800*) damage.
Level 3 – Deals 850 (1025*) damage.
Mana Cost: 200/420/650(625)
Cooldown: 150/90/55(50)
- Damage type: magical
- Casting range: 700
- Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter (* shows the improved values).

Lion The Demon Witch Skills Build

1. Impale2
2. Mana Drain
3. Impale2
4. Mana Drain
5. Voodoo
6. Finger of Death
7. Impale2
8. Mana Drain
9. Impale2
10. Mana Drain
11. Finger of Death
12. Stats
13. Stats
14. Voodoo
15. Voodoo
16. Finger of Death
17. Voodoo
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats

Lion The Demon Witch Items Build

Ring of Regeneration (350)
2 HP Regeneration
Allows you to stay in the lane much longer

Animal Courier (150)
Active: Summon Animal Courier
- Creates an Animal Courier to carry items
- 5 manacost
- Animal Courier has 45HP, 0 armor and magic immunity

**Gives 150 gold to each enemy player when killed
**Does not drop items it is holding when killed
**Respawns 3 minutes after being killed, items inaccessible during that time

Very helpful for keeping you out in the lane to obtain EXP while getting many small items

Bracer (525)
6 Strength
3 Agility
3 Intelligence
3 Damage
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength + Circlet of Nobility + Bracer Recipe Scroll
Early bracer with courier will boost hp (much needed)

Ancient Tango of Essifation (90)
Active: Eat Tree
Eats a tree to restore 115 HP over 16 seconds. Purge will end the effect even though the status icon will remain.
Note: Stacks with itself in inventory. 3 charges.
OPTIONAL – get these with your chicken if you are having problems getting nuked early. You need to stay in your lane to get to level 6 as fast as possible

Staff of Wizardry (1000)
10 Intelligence
Boost your mana pool (combines later)

Boots of Speed (500)
55 Movement Speed
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn’t stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Potentially could need this earlier, but if you are middle lane with a stun and soon a hex, you shouldn’t need that much speed

Blades of Attack (450)
9 Damage
The damage isn’t terribly important, but this is necessary for dagon

Dagon (2705)
13/15/17/19/21 Intelligence
3 All Atributes
9 Damage
Active: Energy Burst
Deals 400/500/600/700/800 damage to a target unit. 180/160/140/120/100 manacost. 40/36/32/28/24 seconds cooldown. 600/650/700/750/800 cast range.
Note: Buy recipe to upgrade (5 levels).
Null Talisman + Staff of Wizardry + Dagon Recipe Scroll
RECIPE – Level 1 only. Very poweful with your finger of death and impale nuking! (You have spent 4385 so far, which is easy with spamming impale)

Point Booster (1200)
200 HP
150 Mana
Helpful boost to your mana and your hp (combines later)

Energy Booster (1000)
250 Mana
Even larger boost to your mana (combines later)

Point Booster (1200)
200 HP
150 Mana
Finishes your soul booster and a good hp boost

Soul Booster (3300)
450 HP
400 Mana
4 HP Regeneration
100% Mana Regeneration
Energy Booster + Point Booster + Vitality Booster

Mystic Staff (2700)
25 Intelligence

Aghanim`s Scepter (4200)
10 All Attributes
200 HP
150 Mana
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade
Upgrades the ultimate of Earthshaker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Stone Giant, Clockwerk Goblin, Sacred Warrior, Sand King, Spiritbreaker, Axe, Doom Bringer, Lord of Avernus, Night Stalker, Butcher, Undying, Juggernaut, Moon Rider, Faceless Void, Lightning Revenant, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Netherdrake, Crystal Maiden, Enchantress, Faerie Dragon, Holy Knight, Prophet, Lord of Olympia, Slayer, Windrunner, Goblin Techies, Invoker, Shadow Priest, Shadow Shaman, Tormented Soul, Twin Head Dragon, Witch Doctor, Bane Elemental, Demon Witch, Lich, Necrolyte, Oblivion, Obsidian Destroyer, Queen of Pain, and Warlock.
Point Booster + 1 each of Ogre Axe, Blade of Alacrity and Staff of Wizardry + Aghanim’s Scepter Recipe Scroll
Automatically made from your soul booster and mystic staff. (You have spent 10385 gold and would have 1716 mana at level 25)

Boots of Travel (2500)
100 Movement Speed

Active: Teleport
- Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building
- Casting time: 3 seconds
- Manacost: 75 mana
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal

Note: Movement speed bonus does not stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, Tranquil Boots or Boots of Speed.
Double clicking teleports you to your fountain.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll
Could be gotten at any point depending on how far the game has progressed. Very useful for running back to defend, and pushing other lanes.

Guinsoo`s Scythe of Vyse ( )
SITUATIONAL – if there is a heavy melee hitter that is dominating your team, get this to add more crowd control to your arsenal!

Refresher Orb (5300)
6 Intelligence
5 HP Regeneration
200% Mana Regeneration
40 Damage
Active: Reset Cooldowns
- Resets the cooldowns of all your abilities and items.
- 375 manacost.
- 160 seconds cooldown.

Perseverance + Oblivion Staff + Refresher Orb Recipe Scroll
Never a bad idea, especially if there are high hp enemies. impale + dagon + finger+ refresh + impale + dagon + finger!!!

Orchid Malevolence (4125)
25 Intelligence
30 Attack Speed
30 Damage
150% Mana Regeneration

Active: Soul Burn
- Silences a target unit and amplifies the damage it takes by 25%
- Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magic damage
- Lasts 5 seconds
- 100 manacost
- 18 seconds cooldown
- 900 cast range
2x Oblivion Staff + Orchid Malevolence Recipe Scroll (775)
SITUATIONAL – if there is a heavy nuker that is dominating for the other team, get this to silence and destroy with extra damage!

Lion The Demon Witch Strategy

Choosing a Lane
Lion can hold both a solo lane and a dual lane. I will explain the criteria on which one should choose a lane.

Solo Lane
In a solo lane, Lion can dominate most of his opponents in a 1v1 battle. If he is alone against 2 enemies, it will be considerably harder but not impossible in all cases. Lion should go solo for two important reasons :
a. To deny a good farming and leveling of the opponent hero(es) he is facing by constantly harassing him(them).
b. To provide a roaming possibility earlier and thus assist his team more.

If your team has a powerful solo hero (Tinker, Mirana, Nevermore etc) you will want to give him the position, because Lion does not need the gold and experience a solo lane offers and is often better paired in a dual stun lane.

Dual Lane
A dual stun lane is what Lion should be aiming for. He can choose either to pair with an aggressive hero in lane and play offensively or to ease the early game stage for a weaker hero at that time (e.g. Leoric, Davion, Slardar etc). Choose as you find it is convenient for the rest of your team. Also try to balance the power between your lanes, so that one lane will not be formed of heroes like Rhasta/Zeus/Lina/Earthshaker and the other filled with heroes like Mortred/Leoric/Barathrum (these are mere examples).

Before going to your lane be sure to ward one of the runes, preferably the one that corresponds to the weaker lane of your team, so it will be safer from incoming attacks (Plant it with 10-5 seconds before the first wave spawns).

A little trick I like to use as to make sure the enemy does not suspect any warding action is to immediately use my courier to transport to the base the remaining observer ward, so it will not be seen in my inventory (that is, if I do not use it).

Also, I will not explain warding throughout this guide. Read here to learn the warding basics.

Early Game (Levels 1-8)
Do not use your ‘Impale’ to harass until you reach level 3; you may use it for a potential first blood or to save yourself and your ally from one. When you face mana dependent heroes harass them with your ‘Mana Drain’. If you want to regenerate mana, use ‘Mana Drain’ on the enemy ranged creep. If you have an offensive lane partner play as aggressive as you can afford, make your enemies back up in terror. If you have a weaker hero with you, play defensively and do your best to keep him alive (that means also sacrificing yourself for his sake). You should only focus on denying your creeps and let your partner last-hit for the gold, last-hit a creep only when you think it may be denied and your ally cannot reach it in time. Try, as much as possible, to let your ally get the last hit on enemy heroes as they are dying. When reaching level 6, use your ultimate to leave an enemy hero at a very small amount of hit-points so that your ally might kill him for the gold. Get your Magic Wand as fast as possible and work your way towards the core build. This pretty much sums all.

Note: If you are soloing, play aggressively. Last-hit and deny as much as you can, kill your enemy whenever the opportunity arises. You are playing solo to deny him the bonuses of a solo lane and you will be more offensive than him (in most cases) so profit. Do not die. Help your other lanes whenever the enemies’ solo-er does not pose a threat. When killing with your allies, again, do your best to let them get the last-hits on the dying heroes, for you will not need that gold.

Middle Game (Levels 9-16)
Now your role is to stay with your team and assist them in their kills. You can be the first one who initiates, since you have an AoE stun that is pretty easy to aim, but you should be careful and not go headlong into the enemy lines. Surprise the enemy. Use ‘Hex’ to disable the most damaging heroes of the enemy team (heroes like Tidehunter, Earthshaker, Enigma) and tell your team-mates to focus them. Use ‘Impale’ to stop channeling spells, since it has a slightly lower cooldown and mana cost than ‘Voodoo’ and ‘Voodoo’ has a longer disable time, and its priority is the key hero of the enemy. Use your ‘Finger’ to inflict fear into an enemy, for an enemy with yellow to red hit-points is always more reluctant to fight rather than one with green hit-points, use mind-games. Finish a hero with ‘Finger’ only if your team has no long range damaging spells and no one will be able to reach him. Never aim for a kill for yourself. Also, ward/counter-ward the map and use ‘Mana Drain’ on disabled mana dependent heroes.

Late Game (Level 16+)
Stay behind your team. Assist with your stun and disables. If there is a frail enemy that can be killed with ‘Impale’ + ‘Finger’ (e.g. Clinkz) kill him fast. Again, do not aim for other unnecessary kills. Watch out for the enemy carry! Disable him so he will have a hard time against yours.

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