Dota Hero Kael The Invoker Map

Dota Hero Kael – The Invoker Item Build, Guide and Strategy. The Invoker is the most well-rounded spellcasting hero, due to his massive array of spells. Using his three elemental reagents and his Invoke skill, the Invoker can utilize a total of 10 different spells. The Invoker is a bad choice for newer players. With some experience, however, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. 

Kael The Invoker background story. Quas. Wex. Exort. The essence of a storm. The heart of a blizzard. The soul of a phoenix. After his people were broken and scattered to the corners of the earth, Kael was left with only the relics of his once great world. Thirsting for vengeance, he sold his own soul to Ner’Zhul, and in exchange acquired near limitless power. Taking on the mantle of the Blood Mages of old, the Invoker strode into war with nothing but the elements at his command. He can fuse the elements into deadly incantations, tearing apart the very heavens in his fury. His genius knows no bounds, and the Sentinel shall come to know the rage of the Invoker.

Kael The Invoker Advanced Statistics

Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.4 / 0.7
Damage: 35 – 41
Casting Animation: 0 / 0
Armor: 1.8
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 280
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 600
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Kael The Invoker Abilities Build

1. Quas (Hotkey: Q)

Gives HP regen. Passively increases Strength.
Level 1 – Gives 1 HP regen per second per instance.
Level 2 – Gives 2 HP regen per second per instance
Level 3 – Gives 3 HP regen per second per instance
Level 4 – Gives 4 HP regen per second per instance
- Quas extends up to lvl 7 where it will give 7 HP regen per second per instance.
- Kael can have only 3 of any instances.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 0

2. Wex (Hotkey: W)

Gives attack speed and movement speed. Passively increases Agility.
Level 1 – Gives 2% AS and 1% MS per instance.
Level 2 – Gives 4% AS and 2% MS per instance.
Level 3 – Gives 6% AS and 3% MS per instance.
Level 4 – Gives 8% AS and 4% MS per instance.
- Wex extends up to lvl 7 where it will give 14% AS and 7% MS per instance.
- Kael can have only 3 of any instances.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 0

3. Exort (Hotkey: E)

Gives damage. Passively increases Intelligence.
Level 1 – Gives 3 damage per instance.
Level 2 – Gives 6 damage per instance.
Level 3 – Gives 9 damage per instance.
Level 4 – Gives 12 damage per instance.
- Exort extends up to lvl 7 where it will give 21 damage per instance.
- Kael can have only 3 of any instances.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 0

4. Invoke (Hotkey: R)

Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated, creating a new spell at the Invoker’s disposal.
Level 1 – Can have 1 invoked spell.
Level 2 – Can have 2 invoked spells.
Level 3 – Can have 2 invoked spells.
Level 4 – Can have 2 invoked spells.
Mana Cost: 20/40/60/80 (0 with Scepter)
Cooldown: 22/17/12/5 (16/8/4/2 with Scepter)
- The -invokelist command will give you list of spells that may be invoked.
- The arrangement of instances does not matter.
- Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter (* shows the improved values).

Kael The Invoker Skills Build


Kael The Invoker Items Build

Ancient Tango of Essifation (90)
Active: Eat Tree
Eats a tree to restore 115 HP over 16 seconds. Purge will end the effect even though the status icon will remain.
Note: Stacks with itself in inventory. 3 charges.
A basic regeneration item.

Boots of Travel (2500)
100 Movement Speed

Active: Teleport
- Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building
- Casting time: 3 seconds
- Manacost: 75 mana
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal

Note: Movement speed bonus does not stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, Tranquil Boots or Boots of Speed.
Double clicking teleports you to your fountain.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll
I really don’t want to be precise to say buy this instead of Power Threads because they are both really good and useful in their own ways.If you wan more solo Invoker an more kills,buy threads,if you want a real,skill-required support invoker,take these

Guinsoo`s Scythe of Vyse ( )
Very nice.+to int gives _ to mana,mana regeneration and damage and the Hex is a very useful disable,especially agains chaneling foes like Rylai or Lion,or works with anybody to silence and slow them.

Orchid Malevolence (4125)
25 Intelligence
30 Attack Speed
30 Damage
150% Mana Regeneration

Active: Soul Burn
- Silences a target unit and amplifies the damage it takes by 25%
- Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magic damage
- Lasts 5 seconds
- 100 manacost
- 18 seconds cooldown
- 900 cast range
2x Oblivion Staff + Orchid Malevolence Recipe Scroll (775)
Same as guinsoo’s,except more damage-oriented item.Good for those who want solo builds or more damage and kills.The skill is a silence that has same uses as hex

Radiance (5150)
60 Damage
Passive: Burn Damage
Deals 40 damage per second. 650 AoE.
Note: Clicking Radiance will toggle Burn Damage on and off.
Sacred Relic + Radiance Recipe Scroll
The extra damage is great,Evasion is useful sometimes,but the radiance effect is wonderful with ghost walk!

Animal Courier (150)
Active: Summon Animal Courier
- Creates an Animal Courier to carry items
- 5 manacost
- Animal Courier has 45HP, 0 armor and magic immunity

**Gives 150 gold to each enemy player when killed
**Does not drop items it is holding when killed
**Respawns 3 minutes after being killed, items inaccessible during that time

I don’t buy this, but it can be useful sometimes,especially to newbies.I don’t buy it because invoker item components are a bit expensive so he doesn’t have gold each 2 minutes to buy another item.

Kael The Invoker Strategy

Early Game
You suck. Getting Wex makes invoker quite bad early on. It’s just a fact of life. You’ll have a short, long distance disable that does a decent amount of damage. Your hp is terrible. Your last-hitting is ok. Your movespeed is below average. Do your best not to die and (once you get your first level of invoke) use tornado to punish enemies out of position. You need to farm as best you can.

Once you reach level 7, you’ll have 2 AoE disables (invoke deafening blast) and not much mana – they’ll aid you in emergency situations, but you certainly can’t afford to spam. Your early game ends when you get either BoT or Eul’s.

Mid Game
You are strong now and getting stronger. Tornado lets you farm quickly. Your increased ms lets you get places. Participate in ganks with Tornado, Deafening Blast and Cyclone. This is where you can start playing savior with your disables. Farm up what remains of your core.

Continue ganking and counterganking and make the transition to breaking teamfights with Deafening Blast. Use Tornado to force the enemy to fight out of position. Use Cyclone to isolate a single enemy or to remove a dpser for a while. When no teamfight seems imminent, put pressure on the enemy and farm by pushing lanes with Tornado. Siege their base and break teamfights with deafening blast.

Late Game
The fact that you’re fragile really hurts now. You really want to end the game fast. If you go for Shiva’s or Manta, put pressure on all their lanes. You can move between them quickly enough due to your perma-haste and teleportation. If you go for Skadi or Guinsoo, put pressure on lanes, but then try to force a teamfight – use deafening blast to win.

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