Dota Hero Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Map

Dota Hero Kaldr – The Ancient Apparition Item Build, Guide and Strategy. Defeated in a battle long forgotten, this once great mage was banished to a tomb of ice for all eternity. In a vain attempt to gain favour with this ancient soul for his own purposes, the Lich King released him. But this soul no longer knew gratitude, it no longer knew friend from foe, it knew only pain. With its body long since decayed, the soul took up the only form it knew. Able to conjure devastating ice storms with a mere thought and hurl soul-shattering bolts of frost seemingly impossible distances, this creature punishes all who dare to stand their ground against it. 

Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Advanced Statistics

Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.45 / 0.3
Damage: 44 – 54
Casting Animation: 0.01 / 0.75
Armor: 1.8
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 295
Missile Speed: 1250
Attack Range: 600
Sight Range: 1800 / 1400
Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Abilities Build

1. Cold Feet (Hotkey: C)

The Apparition curses his foes with The Frozen Mark which will freeze enemies to the ground.
Level 1 – Stuns for 1.25 seconds.
Level 2 – Stuns for 2 seconds.
Level 3 – Stuns for 2.75 seconds.
Level 4 – Stuns for 3.5 seconds.
- Deals 37.5/50/62.5/75 magic damage at 0.8, 1.6, 2.5, 3.4 seconds
- Effect ends when the unit dies, the distance is over 765 or it no longer has the aura placed buff
- 700 casting range
- Blocked by Linken’s Sphere
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 15/13/11/9

2. Ice Vortex (Hotkey: E)

Gathers ancient frost energy into one area to create a small, immobile ice vortex at a location.
Level 1 – Movement restricted by 18% and magic resistance reduced by 10%.
Level 2 – Movement restricted by 22% and magic resistance reduced by 15%.
Level 3 – Movement restricted by 26% and magic resistance reduced by 20%.
Level 4 – Movement restricted by 30% and magic resistance reduced by 25%.
- New units are checked for every 0.1 seconds.
- Does not affect magic immune units
- Does not affect Forged Spirit, Familiar, Stone Form
- AOE: 275
- 1500 casting range
Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 6

3. Chilling Touch (Hotkey: G)

Releases a gust of cold wind at a target area, enchanting allied heroes with bonus magical damage on their attacks.
Level 1 – +40 Bonus magic damage on 2 attacks, -15% attack speed for the attacker.
Level 2 – +50 Bonus magic damage on 3 attacks, -15% attack speed for the attacker.
Level 3 – +60 Bonus magic damage on 4 attacks, -15% attack speed for the attacker.
Level 4 – +70 Bonus magic damage on 5 attacks, -15% attack speed for the attacker.
- Extra damage is it’s own instance of damage as opposed to added to the attack.
- If an attack is interrupted before dealing damage the count of attacks is not lowered.
- 800 casting range, 450 area of effect.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 50/46/42/38

4. Ice Blast (Hotkey: T)

Ancient Apparition projects his presence out to make way for a powerful ripple of hailstone and dark magic.
Level 1 – Impact deals 250 damage, 12.5 damage over time, with shatter threshold of %10. 8 second freeze.
Level 2 – Impact deals 350 damage, 20 damage over time, with shatter threshold of %11. 9 second freeze.
Level 3 – Impact deals 450 damage, 32 damage over time, with shatter threshold of %12. 10 second freeze.
Mana Cost: 100/125/150
Cooldown: 45
- Damage type: magic
- *The area of effect for the damage is 225+50*TimeTraveled capped at 1000, The area of effect for HP freeze is 275 along the path of the second projectile and upon the final strike area.
- First projectile has a 1500 movespeed, stops when the caster dies or casts the second part of the skill
- First projectile clears fog in a 500 radius circle at it’s end.
- When a hero dies under the threshold the kill is granted to Kaldr.
- Fatal damage is 100000000 physical and clears all debuffs prior damaging.
- The instant kill does not work on Illusions or Meepo clones.
- HP freeze prevents most kinds of healing including those from skills or items.
- The frozen buff can be purged, and the shatter damage will not kill you if you are affected by Shallow Grave.
Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Skills Build

1. Cold Feet
2. Ice Vortex
3. Cold Feet
4. Ice Vortex
5. Cold Feet
6. Ice Blast
7. Cold Feet
8. Ice Vortex
9. Ice Vortex
10. Stats
11. Ice Blast
12. Stats
13. Stats
14. Chilling Touch
15. Chilling Touch
16. Ice Blast
17. Chilling Touch
18. Chilling Touch
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats

Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Items Build

Empty Bottle (600)
Active: Regenerate
Restores 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds. Effect ends if you take damage. When used, Magic Bottle 3/3 changes to 2/3, 2/3 changes to 1/3, and 1/3 changes to Empty Bottle. Can’t be used when Empty Bottle. 0.5 second cooldown.
Active: Rune Capture
Stores a rune in an Empty Bottle. When a rune is used, this item is refilled to Magic Bottle 3/3. Stored runes are automatically used after 120 seconds. Can’t be drop if it has a rune stored.
Note: This item is refilled to Magic Bottle 3/3 when near the fountain.
Grab this and go mid unless your playing against people you know will harass heavily and gank early. If so farm it up.

Phase Boots (1400)
60 Movement Speed
24 Damage
Active: Phase
Gives 16% movement speed bonus and lets you move through units. Using items or abilities cancels Phase. Lasts 4 seconds. 8 second cooldown.
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn’t stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Boots of Speed + 2x Blades of Attack
Start off with just Boots of Speed, you may or may not need to upgrade.

Eul’s Scepter of Divinity (2800)
10 Intelligence
150% Mana Regeneration
30 Movement Speed

Active: Cyclone
- Cyclones a target unit, making it invulnerable and unable to act
- Can target enemies or self
- Lasts 2.5 seconds
- 75 manacost
- 30 seconds cooldown
- 700 cast range

Note: Movement speed bonus does not stack with other Eul’s Scepters of Divinity.
Note: Double clicking on Eul’s Scepter will automatically cast Cyclone on your hero.
Void Stone + Sobi Mask + Staff of Wizardry + Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
This item is a MUST with AA, providing both offensive and defensive power. You instantly become one of the strongest heros in game with this.

Bloodstone (5050)
500 HP
400 Mana
9 HP Regeneration
200% Mana Regeneration

Note: Starts with 6 charges.

Passive: Bloodpact
- Gains 1 charge each time an enemy hero dies in 1600 AoE
- Each charge gives 1 mana regeneration per second
- When the bearer dies, this loses one third its charges (rounded down) but restores 400 + 30 per charge HP to allied units in 1675 range
- While dead, the bearer gains 1800/1800 AoE vision at the location of death, and gains experience in 1000 AoE
- Gold lost on death is reduced by 25 per charge
- Respawn time is reduced by 4 seconds per charge
- Bloodpact only functions for the highest priority Bloodstone in the inventory.

Soul Booster + Perseverance
Love it due to the much needed all around stat boost plus you will always be around the action and therefore building up lots of charges. Also, AA becomes very support oriented late game so this will help your team greatly in battle.

Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse (5675)
35 Intelligence
10 Strength
10 Agility
150% Mana Regeneration
Active: Hex
Turns a target unit into a sheep. Disables damage block and evasion. Reduces the units base movement speed to 100. Affected unit retains its normal health, mana, armor value, and armor type. If cast on an illusion, it is immediately destroyed. Lasts 3.5 seconds. 100 manacost. 35 seconds cooldown. 800 cast range.
Mystic Staff + Ultimate Orb + Void Stone

Kaldr The Ancient Apparition Strategy

Early Game: Level 1
Take with you 2 Mantles of Intelligence (2 Gauntlets or 1 Gauntlet and 1 Mantle can do the job if you need more HP), 1 Circlet of Nobility, 1 Tango and 2 Clarities.

You should not go to the middle lane unless no one is a good pick to solo in your team. The thing is that it could be very difficult for you to stay in lane if you face a nuker like Lina or a spell spammer like Zeus. A good lane partner would be a disabler or a stunner to provide you an easy first blood. However, a good nuker can do the job.

Kaldr have a good attack animation, so it will be easy for you to last hit and deny creeps. For the enemy heroes, harass them as much as possible, it is your role at this state of the game. You have to prevent them to do anything.

Nevertheless, don’t spam your Cold Feet. Use it when they come to last hit a creep so they will have to get away, or they will take damage and be disabled. Don’t use any other spell unless you think you can have the kill. The key is communication. Have your partner know what you are intending to do.

Buy boots when you have 500 gold and try to not miss too much exp.

Mid Game: Level 6
Alright, if you are in a 2v1 situation (you and your partner vs enemy), just kill him. In a 2v2, Ice Blast them both if you can and if you have enough mana to support it, do a Ice Vortex / Cold Feet combo on the hero that have the less HP. If your lane partner is good, you should do a double kill with the shatter. In a 1v2, do the same thing, but only if you think that you can kill one hero without tanking too much damage, or be dead. If you ever are in a 1v0 lane, you can use Ice Vortex to scout, but I recommend you to go kill some heroes when you reach level 6.

Next, as Kaldr and having an ultimate with global range, like Silencer and Lord of Olympia, you must check the map as much as you can and kill those fleeing heroes. Oh, yeah, and as a teammate of the Ancient Apparition, you must say it when you see someone fleeing, even if you think it is maybe too late. A fountain kill is always fun (or very raging, depending on which side you are).

When you are in a big battle (let’s say 5v5), Chilling Touch before the battle and cast Ice Blast. It is better to initiate than to kill with this spell, because of the HP freeze. They are now more vulnerable to your attacks. Spam Ice Vortex and Cold Feet on the glass cannon (or disabler) whenever you can.

For items, buy your Null Talismans / Bracers, then a Void Stone. Always have a TP for emergencies or to return to your base faster. Buy a Mystic Staff and an Ultimate Orb after that.

Late Game: Level 16
I will assume that you have your core now and you should have it mid game if you had a good early game. This means Eul’s. Now have fun with your Ice Vortex / Eul’s / Cold Feet combo. Stay with your team and support it as much as you can. Initiate all fights with Ice Blast. Always target the disablers and glass cannons first, and buff your team.

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