Dota Hero Eredar – The Shadow Demon Item Build, Guide and Strategy. Long before the war of the Scourge and the Sentinel, an ancient demon named Eredar waged war on all creation. No champion of Light could match him, but he was betrayed and killed by his own underlings. However, the faintest sliver of his shadow survived. Eredar’s new form is not well suited to direct confrontation, but he knows a number of objurations and tricks to deal with his foes; his skills include banishment, poison, curses, and darker demonic arts.
Eredar The Shadow Demon Advanced Statistics
Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.35/0.5
Damage: 53 – 57
Casting Animation: 0.3/0.51
Armor: 2.52
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 295
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 500
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Eredar The Shadow Demon Abilities Build
1. Disruption (Hotkey: D)
Eredar banishes the target to a dimensional pocket for 2.5 seconds, removing it from play for the duration. Upon return two images of the target are created under Eredar’s control.
Level 1 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 30% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 5 seconds.
Level 2 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 40% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 6 seconds.
Level 3 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 50% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 7 seconds.
Level 4 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 60% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 8 seconds.
- Cast range: 600
- Note: Can target enemy, ally or self.
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 25/22/19/16 seconds
2. Soul Catcher (Hotkey: C)
Ererdar lays a curse on an area; one random enemy unit in the area is afflicted with the curse, causing it to take increased damage for 12 seconds.
Level 1 – 20% damage amplification
Level 2 – 30% damage amplification
Level 3 – 40% damage amplification
Level 4 – 50% damage amplification
AOE: 500; Cast Range: 600
Additional damage is pure damage.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13
3. Shadow Poison (Hotkey: W)
Eredar casts forth a shadowy poison which deals 50 damage and afflicts all it touches for 10 seconds. If a unit is affected again in this duration, the toxin will be renewed and amplified exponentially. At the end of the duration, the shadow poison deals extra damage for each time it affected the victim. You have small vision over affected heroes.
Level 1 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 20/40/80/160 for each further stack
Level 2 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 35/70/140/280 for each further stack
Level 3 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 50/100/200/400 for each further stack
Level 4 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 65/130/260/520 for each further stack
AOE: 150; Travel Distance: 1500
Release Poison
Hotkey: E
Description: Releases the shadow poison from affected units, causing the bonus damage to occur immediately.
Cooldown: 1 second
Mana Cost: None
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 3
4. Demonic Purge (Hotkey: G)
Eredar casts a powerful demonic purge on a target enemy, removing all positive buffs. The purged target slowly regains its movement speed over 5 seconds. At the end of the purge the target takes damage.
Level 1 – 200 damage
Level 2 – 300 damage
Level 3 – 400 damage
Mana Cost: 200
Cooldown: 50
Eredar The Shadow Demon Skills Build
1.Shadow Poison/Disruption
2.Disruption/Shadow Poison
3.Shadow Poison
4.Soul Catcher
5.Shadow Poison
6.Demonic Purge
7.Shadow Poison
8.Soul Catcher
9.Soul Catcher
10.Soul Catcher
11.Demonic Purge /Disruption
16.Demonic Purge /Stats
24.Stats/Demonic Purge
25.Stats/Demonic Purge
Eredar The Shadow Demon Items Build
1. 3x Ironwood Branch, Magic Stick, a set of Tango, and Animal Courier
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Empty Bottle
4. Boots of Speed
5. Finish Power Treads
Magic wand – Add some attributes and healing tool
Empty Bottle – fast mana regen for spell spammer like eredar and HP regen for survivability on early game
Power Treads – More damage, more HP or Mana, and more AS for fast killing. My recommended boots.
Arcane Boots – An alternative for Treads. It only provide you with mana and mana replenisher which already provided by Magic Wand and Empty Bottle. Choose this boots if you want to all out supporter.
Mekanism – When you want to be supporter hero you should get this. Its Aoe HP restore and additional armor are really helpful when the team clashes.
Necronomicon – Used to add your mana and EHP. Its Demonic Summoning is really hard to use. But if you can manage to control them, they must be very annoying to other team.
Ancient Janggo of Endurance – It has aura of AS and MS. Sure can effect your illusions of your Disruption and your allies as well. Consider to buy necronomicon because you can use it to boost up your Demonic Summoning.
Force Staff – Its a very useful when you know how to use it. For Eredar it can be used to land your soul catcher more accurately cause it can Force enemy to go out from bunch of creeps.
Luxury late game items:
Orchid Malevolence – this item provide you with +20 int, +30% AS, +45 damage, +225% mana regen, and soul burn (silence spell). Your active silence will shut your opponent from casting spells while they trapped by your ulti. And your increased dps will kill him faster.
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse – The additional attributes are nice, mana regen, and HEX. Using Hex will make an enemy take damage longer than before. Use after 4 seconds of demonic purge.
Stygian Desolator – DPS booster. It will be perfect when combined with your demonic purge. Kill as fast as possible during 4 seconds effect of your ulti. But this item provide you with no EHP at all.
Manta Style – An alternative to Stygian Desolator. Also a DPS booster. Plus illusions to add your damage or distract your opponents.
Assault Cuirass – Increase EHP for survivability cause its armor. Very useful when comes to team clashes due to IAS and armor reducer.
Shiva’s guard – An alternative to Cuirass. Aoe nuke and slow are this item specialities. Solve Eredar’s armor problem too.
Eredar The Shadow Demon Strategy
Early Game:
Early game is where Eredar shines the most, this is the phase that should be full of ganking for you. Use every opportunity you have to your advantage. During ganks stack your poison as much as possible but be aware of your mana pool nonetheless. In ganks, it is especially important to make sure that you know when to use your disruption. This skill can really change the tide of battles; whether it be disrupting an enemy to you can outnumber the opponent, or if your just saving an ally. While not in fights and ganks, your main focus should be on denying creeps and harassing the enemy; leave the gold for the carry. While harassing, make sure that you don’t put your life at risk or even your lane partners’ life at risk. Harassing involves using your poison and attacking the enemy. Although you don’t want to push the creep line; so when using your shadow poison, be sure to shoot it at an angle where u get the least number of creeps possible and get as many heroes as possible.
Mid Game:
Amazingly, this is probably when Eredar is less effective, opposed to Mid and Late game. Again, you want to keep ganking whenever possible, but otherwise use your shadow poison to push lanes back, or harass the enemy’s carry from the shadows. The ganking style remains the same as early game, this should charge up your Urn fairly nicely. When pushing alone(Which you shouldn’t be doing in the first place!), be very wary of the minimap; even if you have several escape mechanisms, a single chain stun can mean your life.
Late Game:
Because of Soul catcher’s and disruption’s scaling, this is when those two spells amazingly rape the most. In this phase you should be mass pushing all lanes if you aquired a BoT (Which is not likely). Otherwise, always stay close with your carry, and be ready to disrupt them if they are any danger.
Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.35/0.5
Damage: 53 – 57
Casting Animation: 0.3/0.51
Armor: 2.52
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 295
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 500
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Eredar The Shadow Demon Abilities Build
1. Disruption (Hotkey: D)
Eredar banishes the target to a dimensional pocket for 2.5 seconds, removing it from play for the duration. Upon return two images of the target are created under Eredar’s control.
Level 1 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 30% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 5 seconds.
Level 2 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 40% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 6 seconds.
Level 3 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 50% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 7 seconds.
Level 4 – 2.5 second banish, illusions deal 60% damage, take 150% damage, and last for 8 seconds.
- Cast range: 600
- Note: Can target enemy, ally or self.
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 25/22/19/16 seconds
2. Soul Catcher (Hotkey: C)
Ererdar lays a curse on an area; one random enemy unit in the area is afflicted with the curse, causing it to take increased damage for 12 seconds.
Level 1 – 20% damage amplification
Level 2 – 30% damage amplification
Level 3 – 40% damage amplification
Level 4 – 50% damage amplification
AOE: 500; Cast Range: 600
Additional damage is pure damage.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13
3. Shadow Poison (Hotkey: W)
Eredar casts forth a shadowy poison which deals 50 damage and afflicts all it touches for 10 seconds. If a unit is affected again in this duration, the toxin will be renewed and amplified exponentially. At the end of the duration, the shadow poison deals extra damage for each time it affected the victim. You have small vision over affected heroes.
Level 1 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 20/40/80/160 for each further stack
Level 2 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 35/70/140/280 for each further stack
Level 3 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 50/100/200/400 for each further stack
Level 4 – Deals 50 base damage and 50 + 65/130/260/520 for each further stack
AOE: 150; Travel Distance: 1500
Release Poison
Hotkey: E
Description: Releases the shadow poison from affected units, causing the bonus damage to occur immediately.
Cooldown: 1 second
Mana Cost: None
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 3
4. Demonic Purge (Hotkey: G)
Eredar casts a powerful demonic purge on a target enemy, removing all positive buffs. The purged target slowly regains its movement speed over 5 seconds. At the end of the purge the target takes damage.
Level 1 – 200 damage
Level 2 – 300 damage
Level 3 – 400 damage
Mana Cost: 200
Cooldown: 50
Eredar The Shadow Demon Skills Build
1.Shadow Poison/Disruption
2.Disruption/Shadow Poison
3.Shadow Poison
4.Soul Catcher
5.Shadow Poison
6.Demonic Purge
7.Shadow Poison
8.Soul Catcher
9.Soul Catcher
10.Soul Catcher
11.Demonic Purge /Disruption
16.Demonic Purge /Stats
24.Stats/Demonic Purge
25.Stats/Demonic Purge
Eredar The Shadow Demon Items Build
1. 3x Ironwood Branch, Magic Stick, a set of Tango, and Animal Courier
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Empty Bottle
4. Boots of Speed
5. Finish Power Treads
Magic wand – Add some attributes and healing tool
Empty Bottle – fast mana regen for spell spammer like eredar and HP regen for survivability on early game
Power Treads – More damage, more HP or Mana, and more AS for fast killing. My recommended boots.
Arcane Boots – An alternative for Treads. It only provide you with mana and mana replenisher which already provided by Magic Wand and Empty Bottle. Choose this boots if you want to all out supporter.
Mekanism – When you want to be supporter hero you should get this. Its Aoe HP restore and additional armor are really helpful when the team clashes.
Necronomicon – Used to add your mana and EHP. Its Demonic Summoning is really hard to use. But if you can manage to control them, they must be very annoying to other team.
Ancient Janggo of Endurance – It has aura of AS and MS. Sure can effect your illusions of your Disruption and your allies as well. Consider to buy necronomicon because you can use it to boost up your Demonic Summoning.
Force Staff – Its a very useful when you know how to use it. For Eredar it can be used to land your soul catcher more accurately cause it can Force enemy to go out from bunch of creeps.
Luxury late game items:
Orchid Malevolence – this item provide you with +20 int, +30% AS, +45 damage, +225% mana regen, and soul burn (silence spell). Your active silence will shut your opponent from casting spells while they trapped by your ulti. And your increased dps will kill him faster.
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse – The additional attributes are nice, mana regen, and HEX. Using Hex will make an enemy take damage longer than before. Use after 4 seconds of demonic purge.
Stygian Desolator – DPS booster. It will be perfect when combined with your demonic purge. Kill as fast as possible during 4 seconds effect of your ulti. But this item provide you with no EHP at all.
Manta Style – An alternative to Stygian Desolator. Also a DPS booster. Plus illusions to add your damage or distract your opponents.
Assault Cuirass – Increase EHP for survivability cause its armor. Very useful when comes to team clashes due to IAS and armor reducer.
Shiva’s guard – An alternative to Cuirass. Aoe nuke and slow are this item specialities. Solve Eredar’s armor problem too.
Eredar The Shadow Demon Strategy
Early Game:
Early game is where Eredar shines the most, this is the phase that should be full of ganking for you. Use every opportunity you have to your advantage. During ganks stack your poison as much as possible but be aware of your mana pool nonetheless. In ganks, it is especially important to make sure that you know when to use your disruption. This skill can really change the tide of battles; whether it be disrupting an enemy to you can outnumber the opponent, or if your just saving an ally. While not in fights and ganks, your main focus should be on denying creeps and harassing the enemy; leave the gold for the carry. While harassing, make sure that you don’t put your life at risk or even your lane partners’ life at risk. Harassing involves using your poison and attacking the enemy. Although you don’t want to push the creep line; so when using your shadow poison, be sure to shoot it at an angle where u get the least number of creeps possible and get as many heroes as possible.
Mid Game:
Amazingly, this is probably when Eredar is less effective, opposed to Mid and Late game. Again, you want to keep ganking whenever possible, but otherwise use your shadow poison to push lanes back, or harass the enemy’s carry from the shadows. The ganking style remains the same as early game, this should charge up your Urn fairly nicely. When pushing alone(Which you shouldn’t be doing in the first place!), be very wary of the minimap; even if you have several escape mechanisms, a single chain stun can mean your life.
Late Game:
Because of Soul catcher’s and disruption’s scaling, this is when those two spells amazingly rape the most. In this phase you should be mass pushing all lanes if you aquired a BoT (Which is not likely). Otherwise, always stay close with your carry, and be ready to disrupt them if they are any danger.
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